Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Life + Flowers

Debenhams Christmas flowers discount code
Christmas Lily and Rose Bouquet c/o Debenhams Flowers.


I'm on my own tonight as Ross is off away in Europe on tour with his band Chain of Flowers. I've slammed some chips in the over, bought a can of 'ting' and am binge-watching Louis Theroux on Netflix!

I'm off to Devon tomorrow after an exciting little meeting to set-up me hopefully volunteering for the Cats Protection at their center! I really want to work with animals and I don't have many qualifications so this is such an awesome foot in the door and I can't wait to give back some love to the kitties who have been abandoned.

I've got a November favorites video coming up too but depending on how much time I have it may be up in December (which is like 4 days?! Crazy!).

I was sent these gorgeous Christmas Flowers from Debenhams Flowers and they have some great Christmas treats on their site which you can get 25% off using this code: DFBLOG25

They have free next day flower delivery too which is great! My flowers are almost 10 days old now and still look gorgeous and have filled my flat with the smell of Oriental lillies (which are kept waaay out of the way from Prince!) and decorated with berries and folded green leaves.

Debenhams Christmas flowers
Debenhams Christmas flowers

Chips are ready!

Take Care


Sunday, 23 November 2014

70's Style Print - outfit post.

70's style outfit post dress print

First up I want to say a huge thankyou to everyone who watched, commented, liked and subscribed to my Youtube channel after my first Youtube video - it mean't so much and I'm excited to share my next video with you!

Anyway, in my video I showed you guys a new dress I had picked up from H&M and this is it:

uk blog style

It was pretty windy out so my hair looks messy as haha! Like I said in my video I just love the fit of this dress it's massive and flowy and makes me feel comfortable about my weight.
I also love that I can wear this without tights and just wear some chunky boots with some cable knit socks (that I also got from H&M and just lovee how cozy they are!).

This week I'm going back home which I cannot wait for, I love getting away from Cardiff and working and just being able to relax in home comforts.

Sadly today my bunny (who was featured in one of my first ever posts) Oliver had to be put to sleep as he was 6 years old and ill.

Hope you have had a great weekend!

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Cowbiscuits Vlog - Embarking into the world of YouTube

SO I bit the blog bullet and decided to 'Vlog' and hit up the weird world of Youtube!

First of all here is my Youtube link:


If you have Youtube I would LOVE for you to subscribe and give my little video a 'thumbs up'. I'd also love some feedback on what to vlog about and who your fave people to watch on Youtube are as I want to follow some more!

I hope to do another one for next week and this time *fingers crossed* get the camera to focus on my face not the background but I feel I may need some practise and time with that one.

Anyway like I said leave your links, your fave links and any tips with me I would love to hear it all!


Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Festive Afternoon Tea with the Celtic Manor

festive afternoon tea blog


Well I've been super ill so been in bed all week! I've missed a bunch of blog events however attempted to cart myself out of bed on Saturday for a special festive afternoon tea with the Celtic Manor.
It was only a couple of hours and I thought a little pampering with cake would make me feel a tiny bit better.

If you don't know, the Celtic Manor is a huge hotel and resort that as you come into Wales via the Severn Bridge is unmissable- it's massive! It recently played host to the Nato summit where president Obama kipped in one of their new 'Hunter' style lodges - fancy!

Anyway we were greeted by the gorgeous India who took 11 of us blog-types to a room where the Xmas decorations were up and Buble was singing his head off on the stereo - Christmas was here!!

christmas cracker celtic manor
pimms winter tea cozy

We were served mulled wine in glass teapots with their own jumper :') You know I was ill because I turned down the wine (yes I turned DOWN wine) in favour of some Assam tea to sooth my little throat.

uk blogger

We all did a group cracker pulling and I was soo lucky to have won a paperclip! Woohoo! I donned my hat regardless of it being November as we were here for an exclusive try of the Celtic Manor Festive Afternoon Tea!

festive afternoon tea

There was 1 between 2 of us and I kicked off with the finger sandwhiches, my fave being roast turkey and cranberry and the chicken and stuffing mayo. I'm not a fan of salmon or prawns so I left those for my partner in food crime, Amy. But I did tuck into the Caerphilly cheese and leek mini tarts!

celtic manor christmas afternoone tea blog

CAAAKKEE! They looked so cute I couldn't bring myself to eat them... well that's a lie because I totally did. My faves were the Pistachio cone, the cherry and apricot Florentine and also the mini Christmas pudding which was boozy and had white chocolate inside!

celtic manor festive tea

And just when I thought I couldn't fit any more food inside of me.. out rolled the candied-peel scones - of course with jam and cream!

To see the full line-up of treats in more detail then take a look see here.

It was such a relaxed atmosphere, it was lush to get out of the house and breathe some fresh air and chat to fellow blog pals!

Thanks again to the team at the Celtic Manor for an awesome afternoon and I can't wait to see what's instore for 2015!


Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Golden Pineapple Candle

gold pineapple figure homeware blog

I. Am. In. Love!

YES! In love with an inanimate object! This gorgeous M&S gold pineapple is everything I want, it's tacky and it's a candle...

As if my fireplace can't get any tackier with the weird things inside of it, this bad boy just got added.

I saw this on a press release for gifts by M&S and had to run and grab it in store after work. When I picked it up I was dead chuffed with the weight of it - it's heavy! I'm so glad that the ceramic gold pineapple is actually filled with the candle giving it 65 hours of burning time.

gold pineapple figure homeware candle
Gold Pineapple filled Candle - £19.50 from M&S.

The website says the scent is 'Neroli Lime and Basil' but on the tag of the product it says it is 'Patchouli and Clove' which it definitely is, it smells incredible! I love deep scents and when I got home and lit it, the whole living room smelt incredible.

I'm so tempted to grab another one as I think 2 would look awesome on opposite ends of my fireplace.

What do you think of my big, golden pineapple?! It reminds me of Kate from GhostParties Pineapple lamp which is also amazing!

Also if anybody in the world can help me - I am DESPERATE for this Snake Mirror and this Geo Sunburst Mirror but it's only on the Urban Outfitters USA store that wont ship to the UK :'(


Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Reiki at Kamitaga - The Best Medicine.

Reiki Kamigata Cardiff Wales

You may remember my post on my first experiences with Reiki a couple month back after the Kamigata Birthday party and how I had been for a full session with a lady I found online locally however really didn't like her style or new-age technique.

I loved my Kamigata taster so much and really felt a great connection to the treatment so really wanted to try Reiki again - but this time with the pros!

First up let me go back and explain a little bit more bout Reiki. It is a Japanese holistic treatment in which hands are placed over specific parts of the body (where our Chakras are) to get rid of any energy blockages and negativity. The whole process is very calm and relaxing and require you to do nothing except use your mind to envision colours of light pulsating in the area being worked on.

I know it all sounds a bit 'spiritual' but it really has nothing to do with a higher-being or any aspect like that, it is purely using the energy we have inside us - which is very real!

My therapist was Lily (in the picture with me), she is a Reiki master and is a super sweet lady who instantly makes you feel calm. We had a private therapy room where the lights were dim, candles lit and the air smelt of a scent I had chosen out of 3 (mine was Bergamot).

Sorry for the potato quality photo but it was dark in there!

After the treatment Lily told me what she felt and found and how this session would help unblock the feelings that went with the ailments found. First up my head was warm which is a good indication however to her it felt like the energy was flowing very fast and almost whizzing about which would be settled by the Reiki treatment. 

When Lily had her hands over each part of my body I was told to envision the colour that goes with the Chakra. She also mentioned that whilst doing this she gets so in tune to your body that she almost is in a trance herself and says her thoughts to help you with envisioning the colours.

(image via.)
The main issue for me was my Solar Plexus which is the upper stomach (pictured Yellow) which took a while to warm up due to overpowering cold energy. This cold energy was seen as nervous energy that suggested I have been caring too much about what others/my peers think of me recently and don't want anyone to judge me even though that's just how people are and it has to be accepted. This Reiki session will (and has!) helped unblock this nervous energy to help me feel more open and not care in the inside instead of just showing it on the outside.

During the grounding (a white light) I felt rooted to the Earth and like I was a giant standing around it all. I almost felt as if I was floating which was a lovely sensation to have!

When I went into the room I was feeling incredibly sluggish and tired from work but when I came out I felt like I had a huge surge of positive energy. 

Reiki is definitely an amazing holistic/alternative therapy to experience and have on the regular when you feel you need it. 

It's also just one of the new holistic treatments on offer by Kamigata, the others are Indian head massage and reflexology which are both things I'm busting to try out!


Friday, 7 November 2014

Christmas 2014 with John Lewis.

I've been sitting on this post for weeks!

I was invited back along in mid-October to come before the John Lewis Cardiff store was even open for trading to be one of the first to check out their Christmas 2014 range.

Armed with a cup of tea I was shown one-on-one by one of the management team around the Christmas department about all the different 'themes' for 2014. There was the popular 'Croft' which is subtle, frosted with hints of green; 'Festive Friends' which is perfect for families with little ones; and my personal fave - 'Copenhagen' which is very Scandi and simple.

Obviously John Lewis have just released their Christmas Advert which is always the biggest talk over on Twitter. As we were walking around looking at the new plush toys that had come in etc me and my tour guide for the morning were placing our bets on the advert star being THIS little sausage dog with a scarf. We were all wrong and it was of course those penguins!

What do you think of JL's Christmas 2014?

Hope you have a good weekend planned, Ross is away allll weekend so I'm spending my weekend laying on the sofa, watching Netflix and eating junk food!


Wednesday, 5 November 2014

GIVEAWAY: Ciaté Mini Mani Manor Advent Calendar 2014

ciate mini mani manor 2014 advent calendar


Today I have a very special giveaway to share with you all. Alternative advent calendars have been everywhere this year (hello Yankee Candle please be mine!), especially beauty based calendars and lucky for you I have one to get your hands on right here on my site - the Ciaté Mini Mani Manor! 

The Mini Mani Manor contains 24 mini Ciaté nail polishes, including glitter shades, pearls, sequins and fairisle nail transfers! Plus on the 25th Dec you get a suprise full size Ciaté polish! I bought this with the intention of doing a giveaway with it but have been so so tempted to just 'give' it to myself :P 

ciate mini mani manor 2014 advent calendar nail polishes insideciate mini mani manor 2014 advent calendar

So if you want to get your hands on this amazing advent treat then follow the Rafflecopter instructions below:

The giveaway is up for 2 weeks so you will get it in plenty of time for the Christmas countdown.

Good Luck!

Monday, 3 November 2014

Bare Legs in Winter - outfit post.

uk style blogger dr martens ghost fashion

It's been a while since my last outfit post, I'm still having huge body confidence issues. I'm trying hard but nothing is working and it's getting me down.

ANYWAY moving on from wallowing! These photos I took in the pouring down rain so my hair is flat and my roots look like a badgers butt! I'm also covered in fake blood from Halloween where I kept it in bad taste as Myra Hindley. 

uk blogger dr martens fashion

uk style blogger ghost dress fashion
Black Stewart Tartan Scarf - Dr. Martens
(it's 100% lambswool and is SO warm and soft! Worth every penny)
Maddy Dress* - Ghost (it's on sale now too!)
Coat - Primark
Fringed Bag - H&M
fringed handbag
The weather has certainly turned now, It's freezing today! Although I have no tights on I have some super thick socks on with some fleece lined boots too which keeps me warm when walking.

I just finished day 1 of the 30 Day Shred - wow what a workout! I'm excited to keep it up but for now I'm curled up on the sofa watching Louis Theroux and reading blogs - I'm actually looking for some more home interior sort of blogs so if you have any to share shoot them my way!

Tomorrow I have a Paul Mitchell event - I loved the last one and can't wait for this one!

Hope you had a great weekend
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