Hey Pals!
Today I thought I'd share with you a little hobby of mine thats I've only recently got stuck into but have been a fan of and wanted to try for many, many years now - insect pinning! When i was little I used to collect bugs, hold them and play about with them, then as I got older I became afraid of them. Now it's a different story, I have become fascinated by them!
I have a couple butterflies in boxes thats I've got a-hold of from shops but I wanted to try it for myself. Now I've not been lucky to find any dead moths or butterflies to practicing that side of entomology (I really don't think I can bring myself to catch and kill one) however, I did come across these:
First up is this amazing big ol' bumble bee! Prince actually bought this in for me as some kind of token he was all dead and curled up in a ball so I had to relax him, then spread him (this all takes a few days so patience is needed) and then finally pin him!
I LOVE Bee's! They are so cute! I'm pretty set on my next tattoo being a bee.
Here he is:
Next up I found some amazing petrol-blue coloured beetles who had died on the floor during a walk in some woods. There were loadsss of them all dead and dying so I grabbed a few bodies as they definitely came in handy for practicing relaxing setting and then pinning.
Anyone who can identify them for me I will be in your debt - try googling 'UK petrol blue beetle' and get very far!
Any of my readers out there into entomology or insect pinning? You may remember from
THIS post earlier in the week (OutThereInteriors actually tweeted saying they found it creepy - mission complete!). I have practiced cleaning of skulls and have a few in my house and very soon I am hoping to get some more and clean them up too - just incase anyone is interested :)
Hope your week is going well!