Monday 27 April 2015

Don't Call it a Comeback.


After the love and support in the responses I have received to my previous post, I have decided to give 'blogging' another chance. I think I miss it for me mostly. I've still been writing and enjoying it however have completely kept out of the loop of all the drab conversation that take place on twitter. Each #somethingbloggers trend that starts make me want to remove myself farther away from it all. Don't get me wrong I think these are a great way to find new blogs and to promote your own and ask relevant/helpful questions but all the cliques and inside Twitter wars just make me desperately want to reply with #whocares.

Let me put it out there thought, I DO love all the people I've met through my blog and I DO enjoy talking about it with them, however this is not a job, it's a hobby. 

So with all that being said THANKYOU to each and every person who spoke to me re:my last post and for all the love and support I've received. I have been planning posts and getting my writing mojo back and am ready for this.

Don't call it a comeback but... I'm coming back ;)

Peace x
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