You may remember in my post from the
Kamigata Party that I said I had a Reiki taster - and I loved it!
I actually went to a full session at a different place after this and didn't enjoy it as much. The woman didn't really know what she was upto and her phone ringtone was the Harry Potter theme tune! She also gave me reflexology which was nice but she said 'your feet are like blank slates' which in my head was code for 'you didn't tell me what was wrong with you or why you came at the start so I have nothing to go on'. She also said I need to drink more water which will help with 'what the world is going through' when I questioned this she said 'the 2012 shift in conciseness'... I'm definitely all for alternative therapies, meditation and crystal healing and practise it regularly however I'm not so into the whole 'New-Age' thing (personally I prefer the Eastern/Old style), as for the shift - we will see ;)
The lady who did the Reiki at Kamigata (pictured above) was a Reiki master, to begin with she sat me down, I closed my eyes and gently whispered in my ear what I was to envision. I was feeling a bright, white light going from my head down my body and the same from my feet up my body where they would meet in the middle. I then used this light to 'root' myself into the ground. I envisioned a beautiful garden where tree-like roots coming from out of my feet down into the ground then wrapped around the whole world.
While keeping this image in my head was hard, due to loud party music and talking, I kept at it. The lady (who's name I totally and sadly forgot) used her hands to place them on my upper-body Chakras where she picked up on ailments and how they were affecting me and why.
When the mini-session was over and she told me what she found and thought I was amazing! It was almost freaky!
She told me that I have upper-stomach pain often (which is true) which is due to me keeping problems and emotions inside for too long and I need to go to a secluded place and just shout them out to release them. She also said I had a tickly throat/cough every few weeks (100% true) which is because I have money but I am too afraid to spend unless it's essential (like food, bills) and I shouldn't be afraid (helloooo shopping spree!). This is also VERY true to my character.
Something else was said but I totally have forgotten what it was but it was so true of me and the whole experience was really great. My friend also went after me and got a totally different reading which was very true to her character too which is why I don't think this was 'cold-reading' just she has learn't to find genuine issues linked to certain aliments.
I loved this lady and her work and really want to go back to see her again when I need it!
My key Chakra is the Ajna (or Third-Eye) so when I need to ground myself I just tap or press with my finger or thumb just inbetween my eyebrows. I was also given a spray of the scent connected to this which I spray on my wrist or chest if I need a bit of calm or to set up my day.
Have you ever tried any Reiki or alternative therapies? How did you find them?
Hope you are having a great weekend, last night I went to see a KISS tribute band - it was wild! Check out my
Instagram to see a picture of me with 'Gene Simmons' :p