Monday 30 September 2013

September Round-Up

Autumn is in full swing now and I love it!

Here is a roundup of my September and what's to come in October: 

My boss-eyed buddy has been sitting in the bath with me again. I love his little face so much!
I love this ugly fish transfer tattoo (I almost wish he was real) which I was sent along with a few other cool designs from Fickle Tattoos.
A few new home additions.
The butterfly/moth ceramic coasters (I mentioned them here) from my Auntie, A cactus letter holder from my Mumma and a cute little trinket box c/o Casey English.
I re-did my pink and purple hair.
I was asked if I had any festive baking tips for Rodda's to feature on their packaging leading upto Christmas. I gave them a tip and they decided to use it! I got this amazing package as a thankyou and my tip is in-stores now! I really hope I find it on the shelves!
The pack included clotted cream and Cornish butter but obviously they went right to the fridge.
I got a pin-board for a bargainous £3 in WHSmiths. I added some mermaid looking sequins and some cute patterned fabric as a border to jolly it up a bit.  
October is right here and it is my faveourite month! I will be decorating the house in a Halloween theme and also have lots of Halloween DIY's and outfit posts at the ready!

Hope September has been awesome for you!



  1. I love your monthly round ups Stef! xxx

  2. Those coasters are beautiful and I still want your candy floss hair. NOM.

    Tara xo

  3. I absolutely love your hair, it's too cute for words!

  4. Aaw, Prince is so sweet. Your hair is always looking amazing! xxx

  5. I'm missing my little cat now... Wish I could bring him to UNI !! xxx

    I would love you to check out my re invented blog and possibly leave a comment as I've been having posting trouble - would be a huge help if you could comment to let me see if they're working again... Genuinely am having problems, not just being a dick and asking you to comment hahaha! ( // if there are any problems!! xxx

  6. LOVE the tatt! xx


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