Monday 10 March 2014

Polka Dot Stomp.


What a beautiful weekend it's been, I've had another quiet one, I worked on Saturday and just went walking on the beach on Sunday in the glorious sunshine. 

The recent heavy rain had left me wearing these babies that I want to share with you today and also are really good for walking on the beach with as you can get wet and not fall down rocks so easily: 

polka dot wellington boots
festival blogger
Evercreatures Short Polka Dot Wellies - Filthy Fox*

I've got pretty short legs and I never get on wearing wellie boots as they are always too high up to the knee, however these super pretty Evercreatures are a shorter version and go upto my shin so they are the perfect height.

The quality on these are amazing, they are made to be 100% waterproof, they come in gorgeous box decorated with the Hummingbird logo and also had a Hummingbird rubber keychain attached to them (which is now on my car keys) which you can check out on the Evercreatures website. The wellies also have a 4mm insole so they are incredibly comfy to have a trek about in.

daffodils spring time

I'm so happy to have the sun shining and I even had some Daffodils bloom in my garden!

What did you get upto this weekend?


  1. These are sooo cute and cheerful! Love the Hummingbird logo too. <3

    Tara x

  2. These are soooo cute! My weekend was pretty quiet too, I had went to a little party with friends on Saturday but it was very relaxed! xxx


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