Sunday 25 May 2014

Urban Grow.

Good Evening! 

Today I want to share some little gems I've come across via the Urban Outfitters homeware section as part of Urban Grow which is all about indoor gardening (my fave): 

lifestyle blogger uk
Large Cactus Planter.
Everything about this is perfect! I love how huge it is and how it fits thin plants in it looks awesome.
Cat uk blogger
Cat Strawberry Planter.
This is probably my favourite thing in the world ever, you fill the cup with water and the fabric tail soaks up water to feed the Strawberry plant in the kitty's backpack :')
urban outfitters blog
Dolphin Watering Can.
This is so fun! There is also a duck, pig, hippo and poodle!
uk lifestyle blogger
Lavender Egg Planter.
This cutie egg also comes in Mint and a Cactus. You simply crack the eggs top, water and wait for it to grow. I love the smell of Lavender ♥!
uk lifestyle top blogger
Make Your Own Terrarium.
This is so so perfect! A mini terrarium. I love this little deer version. 
urban outfitter uk blogger
Two-Tone Planter.
This huge gorgeous planter would look amazing in a corner of a room. 
uk lifestyle blogger wales
Diamond Terrarium.
I'd love this huge terrarium - I'd do it up so well ;)

What do you think? I lovee home-plant accessories! With this weather its so hard to get out into the garden to do anything and as soon as it rains the weeds just grow up again! Hopefully next time I move I will have loads of natural light (my biggest issue at the moment!) so I can have tons and tons of indoor plants! 

Hope your weekend has gone well, I've literally spend it doing NOTHING! 


  1. These are all so gorgeous!! I love the terrariums, and the little cat strawberry planter :)

    Jess xo

  2. i'm a crazy homegardener! the large cactus planter would look so good in my room, i need it! xx

  3. Ooh I love these, especially the cactus planter. I always love having a mooch around Urban Outfitter's Homeware section, they have the most random things!

    Sarah xo | PolkaDotLemon

  4. LOVE the cat strawberry planter - so cute!


  5. Aww the cat strawberry planter is adorable!! xx

  6. I need that cat strawberry planter, it is the cutest thing EVER!! x

    Leanne - A Slice of My Life

  7. I just got my first succulent and now i think I need the cat planter ... dang it.


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