Friday 15 February 2013

Things I've Loved This Week!

Here are the things I've been lusting over this week:

I am so in love with this Black & Red Dip-Dye Skirt from Fashion Union.
Never a fan of Urban Outfitters prices BUT this gorgeous Native Stripe Tapestry Throw is on sale for the bargainous £22! Somebody tell me to stop looking at homewares!
I've never squealed so much, how awesome would Prince look in this Prince Cat Bed from Pet London?!
This cheeky little T-Shirt from RedRock has been on my Amazon Wishlist for a while now ;)
How beautiful is this Pink Fire Opal ring!
Oval Deer brooch - super cute!
I really super want a Instax Mini 25 - I need to stop looking and wanting all the cameras! 

Also if you follow me on Instagram (username: cowbiscuits) there is a picture up of my tattoo I mentioned in my last post :) Also a picture of Prince playing a mini guitar.

Hope you all have an amazing weekend I'm off back down to Devon to pick up my new car eee!!


  1. That ring is amazing and I LOVE the skirt! Enjoy Devon, it's actually been sunny down here for once today- shocker I know! x

  2. The skirt is amazing!!
    Great post!


  3. Ooh I love the skirt too, super gorgeous. xxx

  4. I have to get that T Shirt... as soon as i think of an appropriate time to wear it! (possibly never)\

    The January Girl ♥

  5. That skirt is gorgeous! I love how floaty it is too :) x

  6. that skirt is gorgeous.
    and my cat would chew those 'diamonds' right away, before even sleep in that thing. :D she has a teddy bear. now he has no nose and she's working on the eyes.

  7. That dip dye skirt is amazing!! X

  8. I have that instax camera but in blue! It makes really cute little pictures but mine's kind of temperamental and doesn't always work! :(
    It's fun though :)

    I'd love you to check out my fashion & lifestyle blog


  9. That skirt is gorgeous

    A little bit Unique


    Oh and I'm running a giveaway, if you want to pop over and have a nosey! Giveaway here

  10. Invitation - inglês
    I'm Brazilian.
    Spent reading here, and visit his blog.
    I also have one, only much simpler.
    I'm inviting you to visit me, and if possible follow together for them and with them. I always liked to write, expose and share my ideas with people, regardless of class Social, Religious Creed, the Sexual Orientation, or, of Ethnicity.
    To me, what will interest is our exchange of ideas, and, thoughts.
    I'm there in my space Simpleton, waiting for you.
    And I'm already following your blog.
    Strength, Peace, Friendship and Happiness
    For you, a hug from Brazil.


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