Sunday 1 November 2015

Anxiety's Door

Oh Hey!

Just thought I'd stick a 'life lately' type post up today as I've not been feeling massively myself the past week or so. Really not sure what has changed as I had been blissfully happy. It might be that I had a little head cold thing on my week off this week or maybe just the change in season that's messing with my head.

When I feel like this my fave things to do are getting snuggled up, sticking on something entertaining on TV, having a LUSH bath, playing some records and make myself a cuppa to chill me out. 

I went back home on my week off which was a nice change of scenery. As much as I do love living on my own, feeling a little lonely is obviously going to happen from time to time. I also feel that since my fairly recent break-up and moving that I've lost quite alot of my social life. I really really do not care about not getting wrecked and being hungover every weekend but I do miss the social circle that came with it all. I do make an effort but I know it's hard when everyone works full-time and often do things spare of the moment or in their couples.

Getting out of the house helps alot and I really need to push myself to be a little more independent and actually go and do things on my own that aren't chores. I always want to go out for a walk but bottle going off on my own to the park or wherever which I really need to quit doing. I know it would make my head feel so much better.

On Saturday I got to go check out the new Vice 4 palette from Urban Decay. I love going to get my make-up done by pro's as I'm such a chicken at straying away from new colours. I'm heading back next week to try out something else new too.

As always my main source of joy come in the furry form of Prince. I've had him 3 years now and even though his personality has changed alot since the baby days he is still a mummas boy who loves to snuggle with me. I actually have a post coming up very soon about another little furry being who came into my life too.

What do you do to relax and calm your wandering mind?

I hope you had a brilliant, safe and fun Halloween!


  1. Your cat is so cute! Yoga, tea and long baths always help my mind feel calmer - hope you feel back to yourself soon. x

  2. I'm the same, I'm useless at doing things on my own which is silly because I admire people who can! recently started running which helped - my mind wanders then I run out the frustration! xx

  3. I suffer with anxiety bad hun, and its a real 'kick-in-the-balls' feeling. I probably get about 2 bouts of anxiety attacks a day atm :( but I've changed my lifestyle slightly to help me deal with it. Yoga is amazing and i feel awesome after I've done it. Also, i play a game on my phone called Flow Free to help distract my mind! Getting some fresh air is the best, whenever you feel like bottling it, just think how fab you'll feel when you come back home! & reward yourself with a little something!

    Head up babes, it'll get better xxx

  4. Sending you massive cuddles my dear. Wish we lived closer and could put the world to right together! <3 xx

  5. Aww. Your cat's Halloween costume is so adorable. I hope you are back to feeling blissfully happy.


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